2021, November 13-19
Moscow, Gostinny dvor

About Transweek

Held since 2007

Since 2016 is held in accordance with the order of the Government of Russian Federation


To Encourage discussion and reflection on the future of Russian transport. Strengthen the involvement of the transport community in shaping sustainable growth and prosperity for our country.

To demonstrate all the best in the transport complex of the Russian Federation.

Transport Week events:
  • International Exhibition "Transport of Russia" (since 2007)
  • International Forum "Transport of Russia" (since 2008)
  • Industry conferences on modes of transport and transport infrastructure (since 2008)
  • International Congress ROAD TRAFFIC RUSSIA (since 2010)
  • Coordination transport meeting of the CIS member states (since 2009)
  • Forum "Transport Education and Science" (since 2012)
  • International Congress "ERA-GLONASS" (since 2016)
  • National Award "Formula of Movement" (since 2014)
  • International Spartakiad of Students of Transport Universities (since 2009)
  • International festival of creativity of students of transport universities "TranspArt" (since 2009)